Seeking judgment from Shari`ah and not from tribal rules


A: It is obligatory for Muslims to resolve their disputes in courts that apply the Shari`ah (Islamic law), not tribal rules or man-made laws. In fact, what you have mentioned is not really reconciliation; it is judging according to tribal principles and rules. That is why they call it "Al-Madh-hab" and call whoever refutes its judgment as a "Qati` Al-Madh-hab." Their calling this practice peace-making does not change what it actually is; it is still resorting to the judgment of other than Allah in resolving disputes. The penalties that they order, i.e. slaughtering an animal or being beaten on the head with a sharp tool until they bleed, are not Shar`y (lawful) rulings.The tribal chieftains should not judge between people in this way, and Muslims should not turn to them to resolve their disputes if they depart from the Shari`ah. Today, praise be to Allah, judges resolve disputes according to the Qur'an and Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). They resolve problems in conformity with the Law of Allah (Exalted be He), so there is no excuse for anybody to turn to (Part No. 1; Page No. 789) other laws that contradict the Shari`ah to resolve their disputes, especially as there are Muslim scholars appointed to judge by the Law of Allah (Glorified be He).May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
